Bobby Rahal’s epic man-cave, including his awesome Slot Mods 1/32 slot car track replica of Road America and classic car collection.
Photographer: Henry DeKuyper

You probably know Bobby Rahal as a former Indy 500 champion, successful race team owner, and that he once sported a world-class mustache. But here’s something you may not know: He owns perhaps the greatest man cave in the world (Jay Leno excluded).
As we arrive at an undisclosed racetrack, we’re directed to a large gray building set back from the other structures. We’re told it’s Bobby’s “garage”; the place he keeps his prized toys. But in reality, it’s so much more than that…
From the outside, it looks more like a regular house with a focus on garage- rather than living space. It even has a large wrap-around deck on the upper-level.
As I walk in, Bobby greets me with a firm handshake and a BLT sandwich. I knew Bobby from my time as a racecar driver. In fact, I drove for him in the 2008 Indy 500, so we immediately begin talking cars.
After a short while, I get a chance to take a proper look at his so-called garage, and let me tell you, it’s nicer than my house. Bobby and his wife Johanna practically lived here for almost a year. “I thought it was perfect,” he joked, “but my wife didn’t agree!”
Read full article here: Bobby Rahal & The World’s Greatest Man Cave