It’s a familiar scene to a lot of parents — a group of boys gathered around a racetrack, watching as their miniature cars fly by. But the cars and the tracks are bigger than the HO scale that came to market in the 1960s — and so are the boys who play with them.
Monday nights, a group of adults, mostly men, gather around a 34-foot track to race their slot cars at Legions Hobbies and Games, host to the Pittsburgh Slotcar Racing League, in Pines Plaza on Perry Highway in Ross.
“We usually have about 20 to 25 every Monday night,” said Rob Pernell, owner of Legions.
The group was started in 2010 by John Williams who had been involved with slot car racing at A.B. Charles, a hobby shop in Dormont. When the shop closed in March 2013 and moved to Peters, it downsized and got rid of its tracks, leaving the hobbyists without a place to meet.