by: Zack Guzman
Laid off at 48, David Beattie of Slot Mods rebounded by making $300,000 miniature race tracks. Nice article about a slot car racing success story on CNBC.
At the peak of the financial crisis, David Beattie was living the same nightmare haunting millions of Americans: He had been laid off late in his career. Unable to find work, he wasn’t sure where to turn.
“Losing your job when you’re up in age, when you’re 48 years old, it’s a very scary feeling,” Beattie says. But rather than giving in to fear and taking another unsatisfying job, he turned to a childhood escape that would eventually become his million-dollar passion project: Slot cars.

“I wasn’t making really any profit out of it. I was just enjoying that there was other people enjoying the hobby along with me,” he says. “Out of fear can come a lot of creativity, and you’ve got to be open to those vibes that are coming through.”
Watch Full Interview
Read full article here: How this 48-year-old went from getting laid off to making $1 million a year